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Accredited Curriculum


ABEKA: Proven Success of Abeka

The academic integrity of Abeka has been validated by the success of hundreds of thousands of students over decades. Historically, students instructed under our curriculum consistently score above national averages on standardized tests and on college entrance tests. Our skilled researchers and writers do not paraphrase progressive education textbooks; they do primary research in every subject and look at the subject from the traditional Christian point of view.
While it is healthy to be informed by educational trends and performance data, it is not the practice of Abeka to adjust or change its curriculum to align with each new reform that is presented in academia. We will continue our commitment to seek content and best practices that provide students with the tools they need for both academic and personal success.For more information please visit: www.abeka.com


Our History:

We Have Always Been About Excellence

Dedicated since its founding forty years ago to excellence and Truth, BJU Press strives to keep itself constantly informed of changes in both pedagogy and technology. Staying abreast is not, of course, the same as blindly aligning with or even totally agreeing with. BJU Press serves all who want a publisher they can trust to deliver academically sound and biblically integrated materials and who expect that publisher to vigilantly check its products against rigorous standards, both educational and theological.
By modeling what we teach, thinking critically and biblically about everything we produce, we have given much careful thought to addressing Common Core State Standards.For more information please visit:

Fully Accredited through ACTS

Potter's House Academy is proud to be fully accredited through the Association of Christian Teachers and Schools (ACTS). This esteemed accreditation signifies our adherence to high educational standards and commitment to providing a quality Christian education. ACTS accreditation serves as a testament to our dedication in developing well-rounded students, reinforcing the integration of faith and learning in our curriculum. As part of the ACTS community, we are dedicated to continuous improvement and upholding the principles of Christian education in our everyday practice.
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